Sunday 27 January 2013

No Fuss Chicken Roast

If you are like me, sometimes you just can't be bothered doing the fiddly bits.  On a night like that I just banged out a very simple no fuss chicken roast.

Put one free range chicken into a roasting pan.  Stuff a lemon in halves inside – pepper and salt the lemon halves before you shove them in.

Sprinkle the chicken skin with turmeric, lemon pepper, cayenne pepper, ginger and salt and pepper.  Rub this all in – I suggest you use disposable gloves for this if you are going to be handling vegetables afterwards.

I didn't bother to tie the chicken up with string.  Just let it do its own thing.  I put a glug of red wine into the bottom of the roasting pan and it was all good to go.

Then I left it on the bench for half an hour to start coming up towards room temperature.  Ideally it should have been longer.

I heated the oven up to 200 degrees C (approx. 400F) and then when I put the chicken in I turned it down to 170C (approx. 330F).  And then I did nothing else until taking it out to eat it.  No basting.  Nada.  I won't tell you how long to do it – it depends on how cold the chicken was when you put it in, how big it is and how hot your oven is.  I generally just wait til it is lovely and golden and I can see the skin breaking away in places.  I sometimes even get all technical and use a meat thermometer  but not this time.  The chicken will be moist because the temperature is not too high and the red wine in the bottom keeps it moist – you could use white wine, stock or just plain old water – all of them will have the same effect.

I served it with my crispy roasted potatoes and that good old standby frozen peas.

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  1. Carole! Love your easy roast chicken! i make this also. But Im even more lazy. I just put lots of salt, pepper, and paprika!


  2. That is a real yummy looking dinner, thanks for the idea.

  3. I made roast chicken this week as well with roasted potatoes.
    Then I took the remaining meat and made a chicken pot pie with loads of good vegetables. the carcass then went into the soup pot.

  4. The simple things are so often the best!

  5. That sounds good... I rarely cook a whole chicken, I am a big fan of the skinless chicken breasts, but this sounds doable.

  6. Now *that's* a good comfort meal. Easy and satisfying.

  7. A simple roast chicken is the BEST! I use a slightly different spice blend, but think I'll try yours next time for variety.

  8. I'll have to try using lemon halves next time. You have an interesting blend of spices too.

  9. Your chicken looks lovely. i never thought of pouring red wine in first. great idea. I haven't made a roast chicken in ages as it's been so easy to buy the ready to eat at the grocery. You are tempting me.

  10. wow.... dish is awesome, drool-worthy too!!

  11. This looks delicious and you made it seem so simple. I have never roasted a chicken before but am now encouraged to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!
    Rebecca @ The Key to the Gate

  12. Roast chicken is about the only meat dish I feel competent to make that doesn't involve ground beef! I've done it with the lemons before, but haven't tried pouring in the red wine.

  13. An easy no fuss roast definately works for me on a Sunday. Best bit about roast chicken is the leftovers for work the next day!

  14. I love a good roast chicken. Looks perfect with the potatoes!

    Joy's Book Blog

  15. My lemon roast chicken seemed simple, but yours is even quicker and does not include brushing with butter, so it is also lower in fat. Nice combo of spices.


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