Monday 31 December 2012

Snapper on bed of buttered leeks with roasted veg

In an ideal world this dish would have used snapper caught by the better half…. Sigh.  But we had to get it from a fish shop.

Snapper is a very popular white fish in New Zealand – and relatively expensive too.  It is a type of Porgie fish – I had to look that up in Wikipedia.  In other countries snapper is used as a name for a different fish species altogether.  All very confusing.  This is an image showing what the snapper looks like whole.

The fish had been skinned and filleted.  First, I cooked a finely sliced leek in butter, wine, grated ginger and a finely chopped clove of garlic.  I cooked it in the oven with a lid on the dish.

I did an assortment of roasted vegetables.

Then 5 minutes before serving, I gently pan-fried the snapper fillets in a large fry pan in butter (with a few drops of oil in it to stop the butter burning).  I did the first side for 3 minutes and the other for 2.  I like to undercook fish and let it finish itself off when it is waiting to be served.

I guess some of you will be horrified by the use of butter – but it was delicious.  And butter is a natural product.

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  1. Looks really good, think I might have to cook fish this week ;)thanks for the post.

  2. It looks wonderful! I love butter and agree about it be natural. That's a rule of mine. natural state. once man messes with it, it is no longer good for you or useful:)


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