Tuesday 20 November 2012

Guess what the next Food on Friday is about!

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  1. Hey, Im one of your newest followers from the Weekend Social Mix Blog Hop. I would love for you to follow me back http://www.navywif33.com

  2. Ha! That's cute! Thanks for the laugh :o)
    And sorry for some reason I just now saw your comment for linking up to books I loved.
    I can't seem to figure out how to do it or where it's located at on your blog though so if you can direct me to it where it is I would love to link up! :o)

  3. Lol! I was always told Tomatoes were a fruit.
    Hi :) I'm a new follower. I found your blog via GFC Blog Hop.

  4. Fruit!? following from the GFC Hop!

  5. The humble Tomato is indeed a fruit. It's so versatile and can jazz up any dish.

  6. and did you know that i use the poor tomato as an example of how much sodium is in UNPROCESSED foods(the tomato has about 50 mg of sodium, which is over the dietary guideline of people who are on salt free diets)!


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