Thursday 22 November 2012

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Like many people, I am constantly surprised just how many things I remember from the classic children's book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.


I know some of these aren't strictly accurate quotes – but that's how I remember them!

Whatever the truth of the life and times of Lewis Carroll, he did create an enduring classic.

Do you have a children's book that still speaks to you today?

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  1. It's a book I read again in my 20s. Fantastic.

    I also love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and, although not strictly a kids book, A Christmas Carol (as I read it as a child). I love watching the Muppets version because a surprising number of the lines (not all of course) are lifted directly from the book (I think).

  2. Mine would be the same, Alice in Wonderland :)

  3. Alice in Wonderland is always great. I love The Little Prince and Charlotte's Web!

  4. I love Alice in Wonderland. I'm not sure which children's story it would be for've got me thinking!

  5. He did create a classic. I am actually reading it now. I picked up last week from the library!

  6. I remember the first time I read Alice in Wonderland... after being raised on the Disney version, it was so WEIRD! But fantastic. Love it. I'm hosting a book-inspired link party tomorrow, I'd love it if you shared this, or any other book posts!


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