Saturday, 22 September 2012

Pork Fusion

Another experiment in the kitchen.  This one worked – they certainly don't all turn out well.

I have called this Pork Fusion because it mixes an Asian way to cook pork with a classic French sauce.

I had a piece of pork fillet.  I sliced it thinly and set it aside ready to stir fry quickly.  I chopped some garlic and ginger up to go into the stir fry.

I prepared a small tomato/zucchini salad as a side.
I heated the water up for the egg noodles and while I was waiting for it to boil I did my piquante sauce.

For the piquante sauce, I mixed Dijon mustard, crème fraiche (could use cream), some plum vinegar (red wine vinegar would work) – about one and a half tablespoons, ¼ cup of sliced gherkins, 1 teaspoon of capers, crushed white peppercorns (crushed fresh green peppercorns would be good – but I didn't have any), a finely chopped spring onion (or scallion).

The noodles take about 8 minutes to cook.  I used dried ribbon cut egg noodles.
Then I quickly stir fried the pork with the garlic and ginger – literally takes only about 2 minutes.
Put the noodles into a serving dish, with the pork and  sauce piquante on top – and it tasted goooood.

1 comment:

  1. Your pork fusion sounds amazing Carole! The sauce, especially, seems like it could go well with just about any meat! Yum!


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