Wednesday 22 August 2012

Need some inspiration? Fish and Seafood (Part II)

Last Wednesday I showcased 6 of the links in the Fish and Seafood edition of Food on Friday.  Today here are 5 more for you to enjoy.

For more inspiration, do go to Food on Friday.  There are over 75 links there to super fish and seafood ideas.

First, from Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops this Prawn and Avocado Tower.

Prawn and Avocado Tower

This would make such a special lunch.

And on to Asian Glazed Grilled Salmon with Broccoli Slaw from the lovely Carol at There's Always Thyme to Cook.

Asian Glazed Grilled Salmon with Broccoli Slaw

That glaze looks so yummy!

Next, from Apron and Sneakers (neat name!), Banana Heart & Shrimps in Coconut Milk.

Banana Heart and Shrimps in Coconut Milk

Perhaps a little more exotic, this one but doesn't it look great?

And now, here we have Fish and Prawn Cakes by More Than Words:

Fish and Prawn Cakes
I think that the texture of that fish and prawn cake looks great.

And last for Fish and Seafood, from KB and Whitesnakes Home, here is Simply Delish Mussels with Garlic and White Wine Sauce.

Mussels with Garlic and White Wine Sauce
Now, I can't eat mussels after getting a rash from pressure cooking a sugar sackful of them when I was a girl. But these do look really nice.

Thanks to everyone who put in links.  It was incredibly hard to choose only 12 to showcase!

I have also now made up a Pinboard for the links in Food on Friday: Fish and Seafood.  Click here if you would like to see it.

Don't forget that all the Food on Friday editions are still open for new links as well as providing a source of inspiration for you all.

Have a great week.


  1. Thanks for including me, Carole! Great choices this week, everything you showcased looks delicious :)

  2. that first "stack" of food looks AMAZING

  3. Thanks so much for including my recipe - great selection! : )


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