Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Useful kitchen gadget – Dualit toaster

My Dualit toaster is by far the largest kitchen gadget I have.   But it is one of my favourites.  It not only toasts as per normal but it can also do toasted sandwiches with fillings.  It has a totally mechanical timer.  It doesn't pop up but just turns off and you pull up a lever to get the toast out.  Simple, elegant and beautiful.

One rather big downside is that it was expensive – I bought it about 20 years ago for a special birthday and it is still going strong.

These toasters originated from commercial toasters made in the early 1950's in the UK.  The design of that toaster is very close to the Dualit toaster you can still buy today.  Still no frills and no gimmicks – just good design.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always interested in these toasters. I think they look lovely, but we had one in a holiday house once and it was a disaster, we were all completely useless and couldn't use it -toast either white or burnt, smoke alarm set off etc etc. Do they take some getting used to, or are we just particularly incompetent ;)?


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