Sunday 8 July 2012

Pork and apple curry

Another meal I just made up, based on what was to hand, which turned out fine.  I had some Granny Smith apples left over from making some Feijoa Chutney .  And I had a couple of pork steaks.

I know pork and apple are supposed to go together well (although I have to admit applesauce with roast pork isn't my fave).   So I decided to try them together in a curry.

I used one pod of my yellow curry paste  and gave that a gentle fry with some onions, garlic and ginger.  I then added the pork cut into thin slices and the apples also sliced.  I added a small amount of water (out of the pot the noodles were being cooked in).

I seasoned the curry with fish sauce, palm sugar and a little lemon juice.  And served the final result on top of some egg noodles with some corn on the cob on the side.

For another recipe, click here 


  1. Yum! This looks so tasty. You're welcome to share it at our linky too:
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Tasty and quick, two of my favorites.

  3. Hi, thanks for dropping by. This recipe looks yummy!

  4. I love making up dishes on the fly. Looks like you were successful. This sounds good.

  5. Pork and Apple is a classic combination, but I am always a bit wary of fruit in curry.

  6. Pork and apple curry- what a wonderful idea.

  7. Yes, i find apple and curry and pork go well together - this looks yummy. I was introduced to a pork and rice combo that i will try and share soon

  8. Never heard of that combo and it sounds really grest!! Very creative!
    Thanks for stopping by,

  9. Thanks again for stopping by my blog... This and That, left you a reply to your message there. This sounds delicious, I will have to give it a try. Marlys This and That

  10. Yum. I love apple in my curry.

  11. Hi Carole,
    Your Pork and Apple Curry looks delicious, I just love the Pork and Apple combination. Hope you are having a great week and thanks for stopping by and sharing!
    Miz Helen
    A New Follower

  12. oh looks delish! I have never had cury.. but i must try soon! :)

  13. Nice improv, great flavors with the pork and apples. Looks delicious.

  14. I love pork and apples together! It's looks fantastic for the upcoming fall season.

  15. I almost feel the smell, I love pork with apple all the time. Thanks so much for sharing!
    Happy week !

    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft


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