Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Homemade Steak Burgers

Home-made steak burger

We do like having an occasional burger – but have taken to making our own. 

For this steak burger I took one piece of Scotch Fillet, bashed it flat with a pestle (wrapped in cling film).  Then I marinated it in a mixture of chilli sauce, plum vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and oil.  I only left it for half an hour or so but you could leave it as long as overnight.

I sliced the sesame seed topped hamburger buns in half and smeared some Flora Pro-Activ on it – you could use butter or margarine.

Sesame seed burger bun

I Prepared the cold fillings – sliced gherkin, tomato, cheese and red onion.

Cold fillings for steak burger

I prepared a tomatoey sauce by mixing, tomato sauce (ketchup) with chilli jam, sweet chilli sauce and mayonnaise.

And I also got out my American mustard.

Tomato chilli burger sauce

I then quickly seared the steak on each side before putting it into a moderate oven for 5 minutes or so.

Seared Scotch Fillet Steak

Then I toasted the buns, buttered side down, in the pan (I wiped it out first, but you could do it straight in with the meat juices).  Keep an eye on the buns, you can burn them – I just like them warmed through with a tiny golden edge.

Finished home made steak burger

From there it is just a quick assembly job standing between you and a super delicious but simple steak burger.


  1. Looks Yummy! I love a good steak burger!

  2. Oh, my! This looks so yummy! Thank you for popping in for a visit at The Dedicated House to view my kitchen stripes. Would love it if you would share your steak burger or any other post at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  3. Looks delicious - I'm always up for a good burger and loved that you used steak!

  4. Your steak burger looks delicious Carole! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. These burgers look really tasty. My husband loves a good steak sandwich. Thanks for stopping in at my blog and commenting.

  6. Carole,
    Thanks for the invite to link up with the cookbooks. I will make this for my hubby he loves steak when he can get it, I'm a Veggie"Tarian LOL I eat no red meat or pork well I guess meat for too. For diet reasons but he love the stuff so this is an awesome post. Thanks
    Book Review Club

  7. Yummers. Mustard? YES! But I'd go for a grainy one or a Dijon. :)

  8. This looks tasty, but I have to agree with Caite- no mustard for me.

  9. Mmmmm, great summer meal! Sounds delish :).

  10. Now that is an actual STEAK burger! Sounds delicious - I could go for one for dinner tonight!

  11. Yum. I'd like this tonight.

  12. Thanks for sharing at Foodie Friends Friday!follow you on google+ (facebook?)


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