Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Simple cooking tip – peeling garlic

This is the first of an occasional series on simple cooking tips.  About things that many of us have known forever but that may help less experienced cooks.

Now you can buy gadgets that will peel garlic cloves while crushing them.  But for me, the simplest way is just to top and tail the garlic clove and then bash it with the flat of a large knife.  The skin of the garlic will just part company with the garlic at that point.  Easy.  You probably don’t even have to cut the tips off first.

Now if only I knew a way to avoid getting sticky fingers when I chop the garlic up…

For a post about how to boil an egg, click here


  1. I see this done, i have done it myself, but often i do not want to smash the garlic up (like when i cook my Greek, 40 clove chicken) and i have found that peeling is not such a big pain - now about those sticky fingers...
    As a person who works with hot peppers often, the use of gloves is something one can not do without! The caspacien tends to stay on the hands and then get in the eys etc...
    Gloves work wonders on other things like garlic stink also!

  2. I find the quickest way to take the skin off the garlic clove is to put it in the microwave for 15 sectonds. It also gets rid of the raw taste that garlic has....


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