Wednesday 23 May 2012

Apple Varieties and their uses

This post will show you the main apple varieties I am familiar with and give you an idea of their best uses.  I will be linking this into this week's Food on Friday in a couple of days – which, you guessed it, is about all things "apple". 


This apple was developed in New Zealand and is exported world-wide.  It is an eating apple.


Also developed in New Zealand and exported widely.  It is good for eating, salads and for making apple sauce.


A Japanese apple as its name suggests.  It is also good for eating, salads and apple sauce.


A relatively new variety, developed in NZ.  It is a cross between the Braeburn and the Gala.  Very good eating.  But can also be used in salads, desserts and baking.

Pacific Rose

This was my favourite apple before Jazz came along.  Excellent eating and good in desserts.

Granny Smith

A tangy apple – best for cooking.  Would need added sugar for apple sauce.  Good eating if you don't like your apples too sweet.

Red Delicious

Good for eating, salad and apple sauce.  Does not keep particularly well.  Bruises easily.


  1. Great notes on apples...I live in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. We are a fruit growing area. We do grow some of the apples mentioned.

  2. Thanks for the stumble, Carole. I stumbled this post, but not sure if I did it right, just learning about it now. I think it worked.

  3. I grew up in Washington state and my grandparents lived in an area full of apple orchards! I absolutely love apples and eat them everyday!

  4. Have you tasted a Honeycrisp apple? They are by far the most delicious apples (in my opinion) but goodness are they expensive. Interesting how many of these come from New Zealand! I had no idea. I'm also particularly fond of Gala and Fugi but need to check out the Jazz apples!


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