Friday 20 April 2012

Bundaberg ginger beer

Lately I have been suffering from an enthusiasm for brandy mixed with ginger beer.  I have been buying Bundaberg but I am sure there are many good brands out there.  Originally I had it as a treat and had the normal one until my better half read the label and pointed out the shocking level of sugar in it.

So now I use the diet one – it tastes pleasant but not as nice – sigh… But it only has 1.2g of sugar per 100ml  compared to 11g in the full strength one.

At least the ginger beer doesn’t have any alcohol content.

I remember we used to make ginger beer at home as a kid with some sort of starter – you ended up with masses of bottles and if you didn’t drink them soon enough some would explode!


  1. I don't know as I have ever had ginger beer! May have to try it. And you mix brandy with it?

    1. When I was a youngster we used to drink what was called a "brandy and dry" which is a bit of brandy (not cognac) mixed with ginger ale. So the ginger beer is a variation on a very old theme.


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