Friday 2 March 2012

Walk on the Wild Side – Lou Reed

David Bowie produced the album, Take a Walk on the Wild Side.  Lou Reed was a relative unknown.  The song was top in 1972 despite – or perhaps because of – its controversial lyrics. Lou was born on this day in 1942

     Candy came from out on the island
In the backroom she was everybody's darling
But she never lost her head
Even when she was giving head
She says

Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

The backing vocals were sung by a group called Thunderthighs – wonder why they never became famous?? 


  1. I've always loved this song. Makes me want to sing 'do doot doo...'

    1. You are so right. I've wondered about putting in audio links but decided not to, because not everyone has unlimited broadband.


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