Tuesday 28 February 2012

Cryptic Crosswords – Solving hints #11

Clue  List at home about family (7)

You’ll be getting good at this now, so I’ll just confirm the solution  and how it’s made up – “incline” – that is “list” in the sense of lean, “at home” = in, “about” = c and finally “line” = family.

Clue  Short argument with the French about superior kitchen tool (7)

This is quite a long clue for a 7 letter answer.  The answer is “spatula” which, of course, is a kitchen tool.  “Short argument” = spat, the French = la (in other clues sometimes le or les) and those two around “superior” = u.  Ta da!

Clue  Moisten, while cooking, some lamb (a steak) (5)

Don’t forget to ignore the punctuation.  The answer is “baste” = moisten while cooking.  You also find “baste” in the second part of the clue (it is typical that it is between two words and around something like brackets).  The pointer to it being found like that is “some”.

Click here for the first post in the new series of daily clues (solutions the next day)


  1. I love cryptic crosswords! I always buy Games magazine especially for them. In fact, one X-mas I made up cryptic clues for the Secret Santa game we played at school.

  2. cool. Thanks for the comment. I am preparing a series of daily clues starting on 8 March. Hope you enjoy them.


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