Wednesday 18 January 2012

Cryptic Crosswords – Solving hints #4

Have I got you hooked on cryptic crosswords yet??  No, well I’ll try again. 

Making a mistake about a piece of jewellery

So the solution is a type of jewellery.  If you take a wording meaning “making a mistake” and put it around “a” which is what the clue hints at you get “earring” which is “erring” around “a”.  Simple eh?

And another:

Long period of time before end of depression

The solution is actually easy.  The tricky part is dividing the clue into the correct 2 parts.  Once you realize that the first part is “long” by itself, you see that a word for a period of time will be part of the answer with the last letter being the last letter in “depression” – ie the end of it.  So we get “yearn” being year + n.

Click here for the next post in the series.


  1. It's so interesting to see you work these out, and I totally understand them *after* you've explained them. But, I can't seem to find the starting points on my own yet.

    Thanks for providing these examples. I'm keep reading until it 'clicks' for me! :)

    1. What a great comment. So glad you are enjoying them.


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