Sunday 24 January 2016

Banana Muffins with Lemon Cream Cheese Icing

Carole's Chatter: Banana Muffins with Lemon Cream Cheese Icing

This rare baking experiment was almost a complete success.  It was brought on by bananas that were starting to get too old to eat raw.

I have discovered before that muffins are more doable than other forms of baking – ie more forgiving.

The muffins themselves turned out delicious as was the icing – but the icing never set which made them a bit messy to eat.  I suspect its failure to set was because I didn't put enough sugar in it – but I don't like things too sweet.


75g butter (melted)
250g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 pinch of salt
½ tsp cinnamon
A few gratings of nutmeg
115g caster sugar
1tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp honey
2 large very ripe bananas
2 eggs
125ml milk


Heat your oven to round about 190C
Melt your butter and let it cool a bit
In your first bowl mash your banana with a fork.   Then add your beaten eggs, the vanilla essence, the melted butter and milk- ie all the wettish ingredients

In your second bowl add your sifted flour, bicarb and baking soda, cinnamon and nutmeg and mix and then add your sugar and stir again.  Make a well in the middle of these dry ingredients and add the contents of your first bowl into the well.  Stir it very lightly not worrying about lumps.  If you over stir it the muffins won't turn out as light and fluffy.

I used little muffin papers so I didn't have to grease my muffin pan.  Pour your mixture into the muffin pan not overfilling each one.  This quantity made 12 good sized muffins.

Carole's Chatter: Banana Muffins

Bake your 20 to 25 minutes.  Let the cooked muffins sit on a wire rack for about 5 minutes before turning them out.  And don't ice them until they are cool.

The icing

This is just to tell you what I did.  It was delicious but didn't set.  I'm not totally sure where I went wrong.

I just beat together by hand a small  tub of cream cheese, about half as much butter and 3 cups of icing sugar with a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

I should have sieved the icing sugar but didn't


  1. Even if it didn't set, still sounds very yummy. I'll have some.

  2. Great way to use up bananas! I'd never thought of icing muffins before but I do love cream cheese and lemon :).

  3. The muffins look delicious even without the icing! I know what you mean about not wanting it too sweet.

  4. This sounds delicious! I've had that happen with icing before and I think it's that I didn't add enough sugar but like you I don't like icing that is too sweet. Regardless this sounds like a yummy combination.

  5. They look delicious and I bet they smelled good, too! Who cares if they are a little bit messy to eat??

  6. Anything with lemon has my attention. It's my favorite. Hope you are staying cool while I am trying to stay warm!

  7. Sometimes the mess is just part of the fun! The look delicious!

  8. What's a little runny icing? These look great -- I often have to use up the last bananas. Bookmarking!

  9. Such a great idea to bake with bananas that are about gone.

  10. These sound yummy! And sometimes, in my experience, messy hands after makes eating an even better experience. :)

  11. Just call them glazed muffins instead of frosted muffins and you're all set! (no pun intended!)

  12. YUMMMMMM That lemon cream cheese icing looks absolutely delicious! I always cook up my brown bananas but usually just in a bread. (sometimes I even buy bananas just to let them go brown to bake with). May have to try this next time.


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