Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Bacon and scrambled egg rolls

I was inspired to try to do Bacon and scrambled egg rolls by some that I saw on Foodgawker.  I have done ham lined rolls with whole eggs in them before but have sometimes had issues with the egg white leaking.

First pre-heat your oven to a moderate heat.

Hollow out your dinner rolls.  I bought par cooked ones but didn't bake them before filling them since I figured they would cook at the same time as everything else.

Line each dinner roll with thin slices of ham.

Cook a rasher of bacon until crispy and cut it up.

Whisk your eggs (1 per roll) until they are well combined.

Pop your egg mixture and bacon bits into each roll, put a little grated cheese on top, a drop of chilli sauce and a sprinkle of paprika and into the oven they go until the egg is set (about 10 minute)

Garnish with chilli or a fresh herb and serve.

Mine weren't as pretty as the Foodgawker  ones but then I didn't exactly follow their recipe either.  Constitutionally unable to strictly follow a recipe ā€“ that's why I don't bake ā€“ or at least one of the reasons I don't bake.

For another recipe, click here 


  1. This looks so good to me tonight! I wish I could remember all these good ideas when I am at the store. Actually I haven't BEEN to the store in awhile. Perhaps THAT'S my problem!

  2. That's a brilliant idea!! A self contained breakfast :) I love that. I will definitely be trying this out, thanks!

  3. Hi Carole thanks for stopping by; these rolls look awesome I love this idea;))

  4. Oh, that looks so good! Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Chef in Training. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty party at The Dedicated House. http://thededicatedhouse.blogspot.com/2012/07/make-it-pretty-monday-week-5.html Wishing you a grand week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  5. What a clever idea!! I think yours look soooo pretty! I'm your newest follower :)

  6. Oh my this is too yummy!!!! What a great idea, I love it, love it! How pretty they also look...maybe we'd like to follow each other and not miss a thing! Hugs,

  7. Just popping in to check out these awesome bacon and scrambled egg rolls:) Love the concept and it sounds like fun. Thanks for the visit.

  8. Those do look amazing!!! I think my kids would love these.

  9. How fun are these!! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. These look great. A wonderful idea for a quick, tasty supper. I like that you used the par cooked rolls.

  11. Those look good. And seem like they'd make a quick breakfast.

  12. These rolls look so delicious Carole......I will definitely have to try them one day!!! Thanks so much for stopping by our blog and introducing me to your fabulous one!!!
    Have a wonderful day, Tani:)

  13. Yum! Those would be perfect for a family brunch - easy to personalize for picky eaters, and each person gets their own!

  14. Looks yummy. What a fun blog check out my blog if you get a min and have not already :).

    Have a great day


  15. these look really yummy i will surely try it!!!
    i dont either follow recipes...i just ckeck out the ingredients they use and then i change some of them or use them in different quantities...

  16. This looks so yummy. My family will love them. Thanks, Nichi - www.mandatorymooch.blogspot.com

  17. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  18. That's a lovely idea, looks great! Thanks Carole for visiting me :)

  19. Those look really good! What a great idea for an easy, portable breakfast!

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. This is a very cool concept, thanks for sharing it with Delicious Dish Tuesday. Please provide a backlink to one of the hosts when you get a chance :)

  21. Hi Carol....great recipe. I just love new ones to try out.
    Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  22. This is such a clever idea. I love being able to pick up the whole meal together.

  23. This recipe looks amazing, Carol! Thanks so much for sharing on Marvelous Mondays!

    Iā€™d like to invite you to my new blog hop ā€“ Grow Your Blog Hop. This party is all about networking and growing your blog. I hope to see you there. It starts at midnight tonight! http://www.thisgalcooks.com/p/grow-your-blog.html

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  24. This is great. I am featuring you this week! Thanks for linking up at Its a Wrap.

  25. Thanks for linking, Carole! This is such a fun idea. Breakfast in a nice package.

  26. Hi Carole,
    What a delicious idea, can't wait to try this recipe! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great summer weekend and come back to see me real soon!
    Miz Helen

  27. Dear Carole, This is such a great idea for the morning. I would love to try this over the weekend. Found you through Foodie Fridays. Blessings, Catherine

  28. Congratulations!
    Your recipe is featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Hope you are having a great weekend and enjoy your new Red Plate.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  29. These look awesome and a great breakfast food. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday.

  30. Oh how fun! I don't like following the rules either, that's boring! ;) These look absolutely delicious!!

  31. Carole, I love these. Not just for kids, here.


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