Saturday, 12 May 2012

Corned beef hash cakes

This is made with leftovers from a corned beef meal.  To see how I made that, click here

The hash cakes actually turned out better than the original meal. 

To make them I just mixed together the following things:

Corned beef cut up small
Cabbage leftovers
Mash leftovers
Half a cob of sweetcorn very lightly cooked and taken off the cob
Leftover carrots and onion cut into smallish pieces
1-2 eggs
Lemon zest (I do mine on a microplane) and juice of half a lemon
Good dollop of mustard powder – I use Hot English
Mace (say ½ teaspoon) – completely optional
A little bit of salt

If you didn’t cook your cabbage with ginger you could add a good knob of fresh grated ginger or a much smaller amount of ground ginger – say under a teaspoon.

Mix this all up well.  Shape into cakes with wet hands.  Roll in breadcrumbs – I used brown ones but white or panko would be fine.

Because I had a huge amount of leftovers I made one lot of hash cakes for now and put one lot into the freezer for another time.

Brown the cakes in oil (I mixed canola and olive oil with a bit of butter).

Finish the cakes in the oven for about 20 minutes at 150 degrees Celsius (that’s about 300 degrees Fahrenheit)

Serve with whatever you fancy.


For another recipe, click here


  1. well, I have never but corn in my corned beef hash...but why not. sounds delish!

  2. they look very tasty. Geat idea to put together into a dish.

    1. They were just great. Thanks so much for your comment

  3. I love great ideas for using up leftovers. I agree with Caite, the addition of corn sounds great.

  4. They look delicious. I'd love a nice corned beef hash cake, with some mustard on the side.

    1. Or chutney? Thanks so much for your comment

  5. Yum! I love corned beef -- these sound right up my alley.

    1. Glad you liked it. Thanks for commenting

  6. These look great! Thanks for sharing with Delicious Dish Tuesday. Please provide a back link to the hop when you get a moment :)

  7. Thanks so much for linking up at Thriving on Thursdays Carole. Can't wait to try your recipe.

    Anne xx

  8. Husband loves corned beef so I bet he would flip over these!

    Thanks for sharing at Mealtime Monday! Can't wait to see what you link up next week!


  9. Looks yummy! It is interesting to see dishes using corned beef. After hurricane Sandy corned beef came in handy.

  10. Carole-I love food that is crispy on the outside and creamy/soft in the inside. Seems like this fits! Great idea to make up a bunch and freeze. Enjoy them later!
    Thanks for linking with See Ya in the Gumbo this week.

  11. Great use of your leftovers!

  12. This sounds like something I need to try:) Sounds delicious~Lynn


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