
Wednesday 26 April 2023

Reminding you of an oldie - but it's a goodie - The Pedant in the Kitchen by Julian Barnes


If you like food and have some views about what constitutes a good recipe, this book is a must read.  It is funny and real.  I am in the camp of not following recipes but just treating them like a starter for ten – which would annoy Mr Barnes no end.  But each to their own.

This is not a recent book – it dates to 2003 but it is in no way dated.

He calls himself a pedant because he is a slavish recipe follower and therefore gets annoyed by references to a knob of butter – goodness what he would say about a splosh of wine!

Don't read this if you don't like cooking or sly wit.

I've posted about The Sense of an Ending by this author – you might like to check it out by following this link

1 comment:

  1. I've only read Sense of an Ending and liked it so I'll give this one a go. He's quite prolific.


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