
Wednesday 16 March 2016

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

I'm probably about the last person who hasn't read/talked about Gone Girl already.  It came out in 2012. It's even been turned into a movie already. There is no doubt that the book is a tour de force. 

But I ended up not liking a single character in the book – I'm sure that was intentional.  The author is a master of playing mind games with you as you go through the book.

A strangely compelling read.  It also makes you think about the hysteria that can be whipped up by the media that effectively judges people before the justice system can ever act.

I ended up liking this book despite myself.  And I hope I never ever come across a person like Amy in real life!


  1. Nice review. And you are exactly right - there's not a single likable character in the book!

  2. Like you I read this book very late. Liked it too. Strange but very likable

  3. I have not read the book, but saw the movie. My husband hated it, I should not have taken him!I agree with you on not wanting to meet any Amy's in real life!

  4. Boy, you hit the nail on the head with this post! Crazy couple!

  5. I haven't read the book or watched the movie but it's on my to do list! Great review :)

  6. When I finished Gone Girl, I thought each of those two got exactly what they deserved!

  7. I haven't read it either. HOWEVER, it is on my TBR list. :)

  8. I'm planning to read it towards the end of this year. I think I have managed to stay away from spoilers so far. I haven't watched the movie either; I want to read the book first.

  9. Loved the book, and also the movie. Amy was crazy!


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