
Wednesday 24 February 2016

I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak

I had quite a bit of trouble deciding what to say about I Am The Messenger  - not because I didn't enjoy the book – I loved it despite not expecting to from the blurb.

The author is a fabulous writer – the personality and voice of the main protagonist (Ed) is gripping and authentic right from the start.  If I tell you anything about the premise of the book, it may put you off – so I won't.

This book hits many high notes – funny, un-putdownable, you can't guess what happens next, believable despite the premise.

The author has succeeded in spades (pun intended).


  1. I love the author, I might have to add this one to my reading list!

  2. too...will order from library...

  3. Some of the best books I've ever read, I knew absolutely nothing about them except I had a trusted recommendation. It's on my "to be read" list. Thanks Carole!

  4. I am putting this book on my to read list.

  5. I think he's the author of The Book Thief, right? I may check this one out. Thanks!

  6. I adored this book last year, one of my favourites for sure!


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