
Friday 22 January 2016

Food on Friday: Vegetarian/Vegan!


The theme – Vegetarian/Vegan was suggested by Lisa of Lisa's Kitchen. If you're interested in yummy vegetarian food with lots of Indian flavours just head on over to check Lisa's Kitchen out.

So the idea for this Food on Friday is to build a collection of dishes that do not contain meat.

To add your dishes, just put the name of the dish together with your blog name/name into the first Mr Linky box you will find below.  Then paste the url for your post about it into the second box.

I'll be pinning the dishes to this Pinboard which will make it easy for you to check them out at a glance. 

I'm looking forward to vege heaven!  And thanks, Lisa for the idea.


  1. Hi, Carole and all!

    The post for Anna Sultana’s Pumpkin Black Bean Soup ( # 6 ) also has instructions for preparing dried beans, as well as a link for Ma’s other soup recipes.
    To make more of a meal of the soups, the post also has links for crusty Italian bread, cornbread and Maltese hobz.

  2. I love this theme! I'm not a vegetarian or vegan myself, but my husband and I eat a lot of meat-free meals, and they are some of my favorite recipes.

  3. I've got a few vegetarian dishes on my blog, and I'm so happy to share them here. Gotta say I look forward to this every week, I've gotten so many great recipes from here.

  4. Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a nice weekend. :)

  5. Hi Carole! Thanks for letting me know about this weeks link up. I have several great vegan dishes but I linked up my newest! YUMMY spicy Asian chickpeas packed with flavor and protein.

  6. We like to through in a meatless meal once a week. My meat-loving husband is a fan of this chili! #41

  7. Thanks Carole!! Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi Carole a good old fashioned vegetable soup today

  9. Carole, I'm just linking to today's post, a dessert that is vegetarian but no vegan. Butter, cream and eggs!

  10. This is so funny, I actually just did a new post today on the blog that happened to be vegan. Great minds think alike. Good things here, thanks for hosting.

  11. Though a confirmed carnivore, it would appear that I have many vegan and vegetarian recipes in my repertoire and am in fact publishing a delicious roasted Caoot & cummin dip recipe tomorrow. I have included the Baked Zucchini Fritters as I know many people are struggling with a glut summer zucchinis at present. Cheers!

  12. Hi Carole, Just linked up a vegetarian dish that is normally served on the first day of Chinese New Year.

  13. Ha! I have a lot of vegetarian desserts, not so many entrees! I love having a theme to find posts for, thanks for the fun party!

  14. Thanks for hosting, Carole! I hope you have a good week.

  15. Thanks for a great idea! My whole blog is vegan, so it was tough to choose, but I'm sharing my 3 Minute Asian Peanut Sauce & 3 FAST Meals post : )

  16. Always looking for vegetarian options. Fab theme!

  17. Late to the game but I added a few of my favourite vegan recipes!

  18. Carole,
    Although I am an omnivore, I'm all about the vegetables so many of my recipes are vegetarian. Here's a recent smattering of savory vegetarian meals and appetizers.
    Thanks for hosting!


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers