Monday 19 August 2019

In the Car by Roy Lichtenstein (1963)

So this is an example of pop art.  The artist has taken a comic strip and blown it up to huge.

I find the story behind the comic interesting.  The woman is looking straight ahead with a very neutral expression on her face and the man is looking grim and is peeking at her.  I suspect there has been an argument.  They look as they might have just been to a function.

Some people will see works like this as not really art at all.  But although different I feel it is art if it makes you feel something.  Do you agree?

This is the original comic from Girls Romances.

My attention was drawn to this work by a huge doorstop of a book I got from the library – The Art Book from Phaidon Press.  Get it out if you have strong enough muscles.   There are 579 pages, each dedicated to one work by an artist.  The artists are in alpha order so you get interesting juxtapositions between modern art and old masters.

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