Friday 23 August 2019

A New Zealand book every kid should read before the age of 12 - The Bone Tiki by David Hair

The New Zealand Book Council came up with a list of books by New Zealanders that they reckon every kid should have read by the age of 12.  I decided to check out the ones I haven't read and post about the ones I agreed were good (in no particular order).

I am thankful to have read The Bone Tiki.  It was a rollicking good read with lots of action.  I think most boys and men would really enjoy it.

It is a story about the fight between good and evil where time flicks between the modern world (2009) and the world of Maori myths and legends.  Think it as a sort of Kiwi Harry Potter…

You don't have to be a New Zealander to enjoy this one but if you are you'll inhale some tikanga Maori along the way.

This is the first in a series.  I'm not going to read the others – the violence was a bit over the top for me = necessary for the story but still….

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