Thursday 9 May 2019

Happy Bird-day - Whooping Crane

The Whooping Crane is now an endangered species, their numbers having dropped to a mere 23 at one point.  They are now numbered in the hundred's.  This is the tallest North American bird.  They can be almost 5 feet tall – scary proposition – and their wing span can be over 7 feet.

As you can see from the illustration they don't just eat fish. Their diet includes small animals and grains.  While some of these birds pair for life most opt for variety.

I'd love to see one of these one day.


  1. We have peacocks running wild in our neighborhood. They are big birds too but not as big as a whooping crane! And they are not going extinct here. Oh no. They are flourishing. In fact, there is a peahen nesting in a planter right outside my front door, she has ten eggs!

    1. Update on the peacock nest: 6 babies hatched this morning. We missed the hatching but found the peahen with her babies following her across the driveway.


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