Tuesday 2 May 2017

Pork fillet wrapped in dry cure streaky bacon

Carole's Chatter: Pork fillet wrapped in dry cure streaky bacon

The way I did this pork fillet is about as fancy as I ever get.  I was very pleased with the results.

First I trimmed all the fat/sinew off a small pork fillet.

I then put a row of overlapping bacon rashers in the baking tin.  Then I shook pepper on that and put a generous smear of Dijon mustard on the bacon.  

Carole's Chatter: Pork fillet wrapped in dry cure streaky bacon

Then I plopped the pork on top of the bacon and then wrapped it up trying to interleave the bacon a little and also cover the ends. 

Carole's Chatter: Pork fillet wrapped in dry cure streaky bacon

I didn't tie it up with string so was a bit worried it might unravel while cooking.  My idea with the bacon was that it would help to keep the pork moist as well as tasting good.

Carole's Chatter: Pork fillet wrapped in dry cure streaky bacon

But as you can see it survived pretty well.

I did a small and simple tomato and chilli salad to serve with the pork.

And finally some crispy roasted potatoes.  


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