Monday 22 August 2016

A New Art Series for you based on Paintings in the Musee D'Orsay

It was time for another art post and I sought inspiration from an art book I bought many years ago – the book was published in 1989.  It is still probably the most expensive book I have ever bought.  It has almost 700 A4 pages all with full colour plates dealing with the paintings to be found in that fabulous Paris gallery, the Musee D'Orsay.

So, I am not going to overwhelm you with lots of different paintings – I'm just going to choose one at a time.

So, where to start?  I just opened the book at random to see what I'd find.  The painting for this post  is Renoir's Seated Young Girl from 1909.

Renoir was about 68 when he painted this.  To me the girl is not really at ease.  Your eye is caught by her shimmering blouse and rosy cheeks. 

Do you like this painting too?

1 comment:

  1. I really like this picture. Not fussy and the girl is so pretty and natural. Her pose does not bother me in the least.


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