Monday 16 May 2016

The Bellelli Family by Edgar Degas

If you want to see the original of this painting, it is in the wonderful Musee d'Orsay in Paris.  It was done in the middle of the 19th century.

Degas may be more famous for paintings of dancers and racehorses but this family portrait spoke to me.

The mother in the painting is the artist's aunt. The family is not sitting in a nice smiling row but seem to portray the sort of difficult family dynamics that can occur in any family.  You feel that life is not full of fun and games for this family at this time.

Despite this looking like a fleeting moment, in fact Degas was anything but slap dash.  He said 'No art was ever less spontaneous than mine'

1 comment:

  1. I love this artwork by Degas. I always thought he was a genius artist as the very best of them!
    I wish I had money to buy one of my favorites, but I do collect from the best oil paintings I can find from the artists here.
    Thanks for sharing.


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